5 Ideas for Diversity Equity and Inclusion Team Building Activities

Creating a sense of belonging in the team and within the employees is crucial. In modern organizations, they understand that to be leaders in their industry, they need a workforce that represents the society in which it exists. However, creating a sense of identity in a diverse team can be tricky.

DEI activities, also known as diversity activities (diversity, equity, and inclusion), are essential in keeping employee engagement within the team high in the modern workspace.

The experience that is being created for the employee is the ultimate drive to success. Furthermore, there needs to be a feeling of belonging for everyone in order to keep workers from different backgrounds motivated, utilizing their skill sets, and sharing their thoughts.

Why are Inclusion and Diversity Activities Important for Teams?

The work culture of a company needs to be respectful and inclusive. Moreover, with diversity equity, and inclusion team building activities, an inclusive and respectful team culture would impact employees in a number of ways.

It’s very important for an employee to feel like they have a voice that is being heard and the relationship they have with their manager matters a lot.

  • Employees should feel that communications among peers are honest and transparent
  • They need to feel involved in matters that affect their work
  • They shouldn’t feel like they can’t count on their peers when they need help
  • The level of autonomy they have at work should satisfy them

5 Diversity and Inclusion Activities for Managers and their Teams:

The entire employee lifecycle must be inclusive, from the minute a potential hire sees your recruiter brand through the moment they quit working for you.

Learn What’s Shaped People in Your Team:

An employee spends most of their day at their workplace. So, it is important that they feel safe and comfortable there. Moreover, if the employees are doing in groups, this will help them learn new things about each other that otherwise may not come up.

The act of honesty, openness, and vulnerability is a great way to form bonds and improve relationships among employees.

  • Ask everyone what the two most defining most of their lives are since that would tell a lot about a person, their likes and dislikes as well.
  • Just like we do it on Thanksgiving Day, why don’t you ask every employee to share what their takeaways are from the activities?

Find Out How Employees Feel:

Take into consideration how the employees in your team are genuinely feeling about the working environment, or if they have anything that has been bothering them so they should share that as well.

Hence, the way a person’s life is outside work indicates the way they show up at work. So, simply just recognizing that and realizing that the employee has a life outside their work and so much could be going on, by just making the employee feel comfortable to open up, you can help them feel encouraged and motivated.

Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes:

“Perspective taking” is a great way to mentally walk in someone else’s shoes. Moreover, understanding how someone is feeling or behaving is important in the workplace.

It’s essential not to make the employees feel like they are suffocated.

  • You can have your team share their backgrounds and their perspectives on deep topics
  • Pair each member of the team with someone that has a different background from the other
  • Every employee could write a few lines on the distinct challenges that they believe the background group they’ve been paired with could face

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