Career Development Courses Silver Package

This Bundle Includes the following courses:

  • Building Confidence and Assertiveness
  • Communication Strategies
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box
  • Developing Creativity
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Leadership Development for Women
  • mLearning Essentials
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Personal Branding
  • Project Management 7th Edition
  • Telework And Telecommuting
  • Ten Soft Skills You Need
  • The Cloud and Business
  • Time Management


Includes E-book for courses.


If you have arrived at this page, then you have completed the required cohort coaching sessions and have been recommended by your instructor to sit for the exam.


Step 1: Go to the Contact Us Page

Step 2: In the Message Section add the following:

  1. Course Title
  2. Instructor’s Name
  3. Date/Times you can sit for the 2-hour exam
  4. Hit “Send”


Note: You will be contacted via email or phone once that date has been reviewed and approved and an Exam Administrator has been assigned typically within 48-72-hours. 

Certified Master of Servant Leadership

Certified Master of Self-Leadership

Certified Master of Influential Leadership

Certified Master of Adaptive Leadership

Certified Master of Affiliative Leadership

Certified Master of Agile Leadership

Certified Master of Authentic Leadership

Certified Master of Building High-Performing Teams

Certified Master of Charismatic Leadership

Certified Master of Gender Intelligence – (A Female Leader Emphasis)

Certified Master of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

Certified Master of Change Management

Certified Master of Coaching and Mentoring

Certified Master of Attention Management