Virtual Team Building Activities for Work

Virtual team building activities for work can help you and your coworkers feel more connected. If you are part of a virtual team, getting the same benefits from working with people in person can be challenging.

However, that does not mean there are no ways to improve your virtual team’s function. Virtual team-building activities for work are one way to do this. They allow you to work on projects together, which will help you develop deeper connections with each other and grow as a unit.

Here are Some Virtual Team Building Activities for Work You Can Try!

  1. Using video conferencing software is one of the best team-building activities for virtual meetings where everyone is looking at something different (for example, someone could be looking at a photo or video while another person watches a live stream). Then discuss what all of these things have in common and how they relate to your project goal
  2. Go through a training exercise together using Google Hangouts or Skype. You can even record it so everyone can see what happened! This will help build trust among the members of your virtual team who are not there in person.
  3. Have a virtual happy hour where everyone gets together on a video chat platform and drinks wine or beer while discussing work-related topics.
  4. Ask each team member to create a profile picture that represents themselves on their computer screen when logged into their account on the company website. Then ask everyone else to try and guess what is on each person’s screen by figuring out the clues their teammates gave (or post them all together).
  5. Have everyone write down one thing that makes them unique from others in their lives or at work. Share it with everyone else in the group using some visual aid such as pictures or videos, if possible. Then have them do something creative like paint a picture about themselves using only blue paint, for example!
  6. Have a virtual scavenger hunt that involves searching for clues online and chatting with team members to figure out where they are.

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